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4 Songtan Cafes with Large Outdoor Spaces

4 Songtan Cafes with Large Outdoor Spaces

One of the things we all miss most about living in the States is having a large backyard. While our apartment has a great array of playgrounds, there’s not a lot of grassy area to run around in. So much real estate is up built UP in South Korea so cafes with yard space are truly hidden gems. I’ve rounded up 4 of my favorite Songtan cafes with large outdoor yard spaces that are also kid friendly. Get out there, enjoy your coffee and soak up that vitamin D while you can!

Cafe Hodam, Songtan, outdoor patio

Cafe Hodam

This place is relatively new to me although they’ve been open for over a year. It’s kind of tucked away but not far from Osan Air Base. They have a large gravel parking lot and a gorgeous outdoor setting. I like that the parking lot and seating is set far from the street because you can give your kids a little more freedom to roam.

Hours: 10:00-22:00 everyday

[Naver Map]

Cafe Hodam

경기 평택시 오리곡길 1 흰색건물


Gallery Cafe or Cafe Yeonggeulda pink swings

Gallery Cafe

This one is definitely a hidden gem. I first came across it when biking, otherwise I’m not sure I would have ever found it! They have two large pink swings that overlook the rice paddies and a two story seating area inside. We don’t have pets, but it is also dog friendly. They also have a pretty good sized parking lot along with a lot of outdoor seating. It’s a great place to relax, just make sure you keep an eye on your kids as they get close to the swings. One thing to note - you will absolutely think that Naver is taking you somewhere you can’t go, but just follow the directions. Once you arrive you’ll be pleasantly surprised!

Hours: 10:00-23:00 everyday

[Naver Map]

Cafe Yeonggeulda

경기 평택시 우곡길 70-78


Hocus Pocus Roasters outdoor space

Hocus Pocus

Of all of the cafes on this list, this one has the most outdoor seating and least extra outdoor space, if that makes sense. Kid friendly, but not a ton of space to run around like the others. There is sooo much outdoor seating here, though! Parking is small and limited, and it gets crazy packed on the weekends. They usually have someone directing traffic on the weekends on this tiny one-ish lane road. I recommend visiting on a weekday or early on the weekends.

Hours 10:00-22:00 everyday (the kitchen is open 10:00-19:00)

[Naver Map]

Hokeoseu Focus Roasters

경기 평택시 장안웃길 12 호커스포커스 로스터스


Prefer Coffee

If you follow me on instagram or know me in real life, you know this is one of my favorites. When they first opened, the space was a bit intimidating with how gorgeous and expensive it looks, however, they are so incredibly nice and the space really is kid friendly. There are high chairs and booster seats and I have never heard them make any complaints to children. I love sitting on their patio and enjoying the outdoors. I’ve blogged about Prefer before but here are a few other things to add. They have a large parking lot in the back and they share a larger parking lot with the Buraksan Forest Experience across the street. My current favorite snacks are the potato bread and the salted butter pretzel, but every choice is a good choice.

You can also park down the street at the Buraksan park, walk up the street to get your coffee to go, and walk back down to let the kids play at the park.

Hours: 09:00-21:00

[Naver Map]

Peuripeo Cafe

경기 평택시 지산로140번길 243 프리퍼


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