Chorok Miso Village "Golden Therapy"
One of my favorite things to take visitors to do locally is visiting the Chorok Miso Village for their rice enzyme spa. I’ve done it 3 times in the 2 years I’ve been here and it’s always a hit! This style spa originated in Japan and has slowly been making its way into other countries.
Once you’ve arrived and paid, you’ll head back to the locker rooms. Men and women are separate except during the rice spa. There are tan t shirts and shorts for you to change into. You want to be completely naked underneath but if you’re not comfortable with that, make sure you bring extra underwear to change into afterwards. You’ll have a locker to store your things in.
Spa suit, giving major prison vibes.
After you’ve changed, you’ll head into the spa room where they’ll cover your hair with a rag to keep the rice out. They’ll have a spot in the rice waiting for that they’ve dug out with a “head rest.'“ You’re buried for 15 minutes which is the equivalent of jogging for about 2 hours. It feels like a weighted blanket and can feel a little suffocating at first. The fermentation heat from rice bran is a type of natural heat that occurs when microorganisms decompose organic matter. The temperature is between 65-70 degrees Celsius or 150+ Fahrenheit. When you’re being buried they’ll advise you to keep your arms by your side, your hands touching your legs. Literally every tiny movement of your fingers and toes reheats the rice and it tingles and burns…. for a few seconds. Take a deep breath, calm your nerves and try to focus on something else - and don’t move.
One row of the rice enzymes ready for people!
Once you’re buried, they set a 15 minute timer and check on you frequently. They’ll dab your face if you’re sweating, encourage you to stay buried and give you sips of water. There are clocks on the wall so I recommend paying attention to when you’re buried so you can count down the minutes.The first 5 are an adjustment, the second 5 are the hardest and the last 5 are the easiest.
The benefits of rice enzyme therapy are:
increased immunity
improved blood circulation
create beautiful skin due to the nutrients in the rice bran such as vitamins A, B1, B6, iron and phosphorous
relives stress and fatigue
eliminates toxins by stimulating the pores aka sweating it out
The first time I visited, we were still having to wear masks everywhere so that was difficult but one of the employees came around and kept wiping down our faces and cooling us off. We all made it through the 15 minutes and one friend fell asleep. The second time I visited with my mom and sister. My sister and I didn’t make it all the way through the 15 minutes but were very close. This last visit I lasted the entire time and it was the easiest experience I’ve had.

Once your 15 minutes is up you can lay on the rice bran for up to an hour. It’s still warm but doesn’t burn as much and you’ll still be receiving the benefits. Once you’re done in the spa you head back to your locker rooms to shower. Again, men and women are separate but there is the chance that you’ll be showering with other completely naked people you don’t know. This is totally common in Korea and they’ll be unfazed, even if you aren’t. If that is something you might not be comfortable with then I’d recommend paying attention as people are leaving the rice spa to go shower and try to time it when you think they’ll be done showering. They have all the shower amenities that you’ll need plus a nice rice powder/exfoliant. The rice tends to stick to the back of your neck, ears and into your hairline so focus on those areas when showering off. One thing that surprises me each time is that the towels available are tiny - like kitchen towel size. I should remind myself to bring a towel from home but I always forget. The locker rooms have hair dryers and a handful of other amenities and then you’re good to go! Make sure you check out the massage chairs before leaving as well as a cup of coffee or tea, and make sure you rehydrate throughout the day.
Enjoying the massage chairs with my sister and mom.
One extra tip: Don’t wear form fitting clothes. After the hot spa and a hot shower, you do not want to struggle back into those leggings.
The Golden Therapy building is open Wednesday through Monday 09:00-06:00pm. They are closed on Tuesdays. They take cash and card.
This is the outside of the Golden Therapy building. Sometimes Naver/Waze will take you down the street instead. This is the actual parking lot so keep an eye out for this building.